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President Trump Provided a Secure Shield to India: By converting US Pacific Command to US Indo-Pacific Command, for the first time in the history of independent India, President Trump created a long-lasting Indo-US Military Strategic Partnership to contain and control the Chinese aggression on Indian Subcontinent. This is like an electric fence around Indian Subcontinent against any attacks from sea. The last time when a US President came to rescueIndia from Chinese aggression was in 1962 when President John F. Kennedy sent arms and ammunition to India. Unlike the current long-lasting bond with mutual respect established by President Trump, the 1962 rescue was a one-night stand. Unlike the NATO, the US Indo-Pacific Command encompasses about half the surface of the earth. It is the first time a US President gave such importance to India in strategic thinking and partnership.

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President Trump Showed Pakistan its Corner: Ever since the 9/11 incident, successive US presidents “pampered” Pakistan, which proved to be an adept in “hide and seek” games. Billions of dollars of US taxpayers’ money were given to Pakistan for a job that was finally accomplished by US Navy Seals, again at the expense of US taxpayers. Yet, previous presidents kept giving money to the “spoiled kid” with a fear that he might become a rogue if denied. It was President Trump for the first time courageously put a stop to these games and told the spoiled kid “behave properly or else….”. And the spoiled kid was really scared with the roar of the Lion in the White House. By doing so, President Trump has proven to be the “True and Reliable Friend of India”. In fact, being afraid of this Lion, Pakistan did not attack India when the Indian Parliament dissolved the Article 370. India needs President Trump to contain Pakistan to its corner. Now Biden/Harris are befriending with the spoiled kid and want to bring him out.

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President Trump Upholds and Promotes the American Dream of Legal Immigrants: Legal immigrants to the United States dream of reaching heights that are commensurate to their skills, abilities and talent. Facing a glass ceiling of any nature is not only disappointing to them, but is un-American as it destroys the values for which United States of America stands for as a beacon of light to the rest of the free world. In line with this fundamental right to dream and rise, for the first time in our living memory, we are witnessing a record number of Indian Americans being appointed to high positions in the US Government. This is made possible because, President Trump recognizes and valued the merit without any bias or race-based reservations. The previous presidents, whether Democrats or Republicans, adopted an unwritten policy of quota system for minorities in high government positions. That system worked unfavorably to Indian Americans by holding back many talented ones in what is supposed to be a free world for dreamers. President Trump upholds and promotes American Dream of the Legal Immigrants, while he is tough on illegal immigration.

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President Trump Aligns His Policies with Both Indian Americans and India: Successive US presidents, whether Democrats or Republicans, ignored or sidelined the interests and security of India while looking for better strategic or economic opportunities with China or Pakistan, and at the same time they availed dedicated services of Indian Americans in different sectors, such as medical and health, pharmaceuticals, IT, NASA, aircraft industry, and R&D in different fields, including weapons design. For the first time in our living memory we have a President in the White House who respects and takes care of the needs of both Indian Americans and their motherland, thus aligning his policies in a healthy manner. This is the greatest reward Indian Americans receiving from President Trump for their dedicated services to their adopted land. God bless America. President Trump upholds and promotes American Dream of the Legal Immigrants, while he is tough on illegal immigration.

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